Worldwide, the total is even higher, obviously. You can't rush excellence.Man of Steel took more than $100 million in domestic Blu-ray/DVD sales, a figure that rises toward $200 million when we include Digital-HD and rentals. I understand that three hours is a lot to ask of people, but still. So much so that I'm almost surprised the studio released the shortened version. The flick still has issues-"muh, muh, Martha" and the in-movie trailers for the rest of the DC Cinematic Murderverse chief among them and I still think it would've been wiser to hold this movie until after the Wonder Woman flick drops-but Dawn of Justice is vastly improved in this iteration. Should we put (Big Blue) boots on the ground, or kill from afar and hope we don't take out too many civilians? It's not a question of whether or not international interventions should occur, but how, and under whose authority, and using what tools. I also appreciate the fact that, in this version, the whole Middle East sequence near the beginning of the film is stretched out a bit-we learn that the government was planning on drone-striking the compound Lois was in, which adds a bit of depth to the ideological struggle between Senator Finch (Hunter) and Superman. Superman: Dawn of Justice fixes a lot of these problems.* There's more connective tissue and the film gives Lois Lane (Amy Adams) something to do: namely, unravel Lex's plot. I'm pleased to say that the "Ultimate Edition" of Batman v. Nor did Holly Hunter's senator from Kentucky. Nor did the public's reaction to Superman in the aftermath of the bombing. Lex's plan at the Capitol, for instance, didn't make much sense. That's why it was frustrating that Dawn of Justice felt so slipshod in certain regards. It feels more real than the Reeve version, more interested in thinking about the psychological impact of Superman on the masses and their champions.

Cinematic Murderverse" to the previous onscreen iterations of Superman. And you understand why he would want to put a leash on this alien newcomer.Īll of this is to say that I prefer Snyder's so-called "D.C. He is literally standing in the ruins of his empire, the cracked Wayne Enterprises sign just behind him, holding a young child whose mother has just been killed, trying to shield her from harm, knowing that he can't. It's a bravura sequence, the best short film about 9/11 anyone has ever made. You see a man-arguably one of the most powerful men in the world, a billionaire Olympic-caliber athlete who spends his evenings beating the snot out of criminals to soothe his own psychological traumas-realize that his world is not his anymore. Let's be honest: They'd fear him! This is why the best part of the film revolves around Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) watching in horror as Superman v Zod plays out in Metropolis.